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Exploring the imprint of our original intention, working together, and forging ahead - Anji Group Building Activity of Zhejiang Sanji Steel Pipe Co., Ltd

Date:2023-08-16 15:04:28   Views:320

      On the occasion of the first National Ecological Day, in order to explore the birthplace of the "Two Mountains" theory and realize the effectiveness of ecological and environmental protection, Xu Junjie, the secretary of the Three Bases Party Branch, led members of the branch, cadres at or above the supervisory level of the Three Bases, and full-time undergraduate students to launch the Anjiyu Village Youth League building activity on the afternoon of August 13th. Through visiting Anjiyu Village and watching special documentaries, they deeply studied the "Two Mountains" theory, understood their original mission, and strengthened their determination to strive.

      During the visit, we learned that in the 1980s and 1990s, Yucun developed mining and severely damaged the ecological environment. In 2015, under the guidance of the "Two Mountains" concept, Yucun completed a beautiful butterfly transformation, and the collective income of the village and the per capita income of farmers continued to increase.

      The report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: "We must firmly establish and practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and plan for development from the height of harmonious coexistence between man and nature." Accelerating green transformation is an important way to comprehensively build a socialist modernization power, achieve the second century goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

      The success of Anjiyu Village is a typical example of successful ecological civilization construction. As a traditional local enterprise, Sanji Steel Pipe actively takes action and is an active disseminator and model practitioner of the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are golden mountains and silver mountains". It scientifically deals with the three wastes, resolutely does a good job in environmental protection, and actively fulfills social responsibilities and responsibilities.