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Zhejiang Sanji Steel Pipes held the 2018 Safety Production Month Skill Competition

Date:2018-06-29 15:39:34   Views:3830

In order to implement the national safety production policy, we will highlight the theme of "safety first, safe development" in 2018, establish a "safe development, full participation" awareness, and improve safety production management and emergency response capabilities. On June 26, the Group and The branch company jointly held the 2018 safety skills competition. The senior leaders of the group and branch companies all played the competition and served as judges. The general manager of the group made a speech.

The competition includes: rapid fire extinguishing; water belt pick up; stretcher lifted the wounded; three four-legged group escape and other four projects, all of which are timed points system, a total of 9 teams participated.

Competition: Rapid fire fighting. Participants are required to extinguish the fire in the fastest time and in a standardized way, to test the level of personal emergency skills, to extinguish the wind and extinguish it thoroughly;

Competition: Water belt Solitaire. Participants are required to use the fire water to knock down the target in the fastest time to test the level of teamwork and emergency skills.

Competition: The stretcher is 40 meters, and the participants are required to send the simulated injured colleagues to a safe position at the most stable speed in the shortest possible time to test the level of teamwork and emergency skills. 

Competition: Three people and four feet, simulating an emergency colleague's injury, testing and assisting in rescue and escape, requiring the participants to arrive at a safe place in the fastest time.
More than two hours of fierce competition, the branch warehouse group score 360, won the "champion team", branch equipment group score 355, won the "runner team", the branch quality assurance group score 350, won the "third army team."

Through this activity, we have created a strong atmosphere of “safety management, everyone is responsible”, showing the employees' safety skills and spirit, and will further strengthen the company's employees' safety production management awareness and improve safety production and emergency response capabilities.